God Giggles Saturday: Bathroom Humor

I went to my final night teaching confirmation at our church excited for non-traditional learning with prayer stations around the room (candles, low lighting, reflective music).  After explaining how the first group of 150 middle schoolers and parents should be quiet and reflective for the full 45 minutes, I took a quick trip to the bathroom… when I returned, a couple of parents were looking at me pointedly. 
“We heard all the flushing and stuff,” they said.
I wondered if something were wrong with my iPhone music… when one of the dads discretely grabbed my arm and whispered, “Your microphone, Evi.” Turns out I had worn my lapel microphone to the bathroom and it was ON, so the prayerful mood was drowned out by the sound of my trip to the bathroom and the toilet flushing.  Lovely.  A group of moms close to the speaker had to do everything in their power to avoid laughing hysterically. I heard on NPR once that the best stories happen to people who can tell them.  
Is God giggling in your life?  

Sharing these stories lightens life, and it’s good medicine for the heart.  Giggling is a posture I want to practice, since I tend to take myself too seriously.  Let’s be honest, we are serious beings on a serious journey, but w
hat we focus on gets BIGGER!

Where do we tend to focus?  What makes news?

Jesus focused himself differently.  When faced with verbal traps, he creatively responded in a third way.  When people and organizations, like Nebraska Loves our Public Schools, choose to magnify the good, it gets LOUDER!  Let’s get our mind magnets clinging to what’s good and uplifting.

It’s easy to get in on the giggles, just:

1.  Notice at least one smile in this week–either take a pic, video or do a short write-up (like 5 min. or less).

            * NO humor at others’ expense.  We are all the “other” to someone else.
            * That said, humor at our own expense is encouraged.
            * Don’t stress.  If it’s more funny than wrong, go for it.

Fill your mind and meditate on things true, noble, reputable, authentic, compelling, gracious—the best, not the worst; the beautiful, not the ugly; things worthy of praise. 

– Philippians 4:8

6 thoughts on “God Giggles Saturday: Bathroom Humor”

  1. Evi,I have heard stories about this but never a real person telling the tale. Whenever I have a mic on I think about where I am going and what I am saying. YIKES. But so happy that the Lord of giggles can help us not take ourselves too seriously.Many blessings,I am following you from Playdates.Janis http://www.janiscox.com


  2. This has me giggling too! I'm so glad to \”meet\” you, Evi–so glad Michelle led me this way! I think we might be kindreds :). And I am regretting that our paths never crossed at Jumping Tandem. But I am looking forward to more giggling together 🙂


  3. I love it, what a great idea. I'm a firm believer in a God who laughs and the power of laughter to open us to new life. Humor so often involves seeing the tragic or hurtful in a \”third way\” which is so central to life!


  4. Oh my gooooodness! I love funny. I like how you qualified that it is never at someone else's expense. Enjoying your blog Evi!


  5. This is just hilarious, Evi! That is one confirmation class they will NEVER forget! Love that you are willing to let us in on it, too 🙂


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